Thursday 20 October 2011

Our Meeting

Last week we met with mixy and presented our music video ideas to him and we settled on a final idea.
After proposing our ideas to Mixy and discussing his ideas we had a group vote on which song to do. Mixy has already had a video made for "Pretty Spanish Girl" so we decided against this one, his newest song "You Know" had big plans that seemed to ambitious for our time frame so we decided upon "4a.m." a slow song that has a love song feel. we have discussed the ideas for this video and will have more follow up meetings about the progressions of the project.

Our Media Proposal

Friday 14 October 2011


On the 8th of October Connor called Mixy, this was after our group presentation where we presented our three ideas to the class; since then more development has been done to one idea. we have aranged to meet with Mixy on the 14th of October, at 1:30pm, we plan to show him the project proposal and discuss ideas with him. we will record this meating and post it on our blogs.

Thursday 6 October 2011