Wednesday 6 July 2011

Music Video Ideas- Mixy

Mixy is an artist that we are considering for the final video, he writes his own lyrics. most of them are about stories and have a meaning behind them unlike the mass produced music of the current age; that consist of sex, drugs and violence. One reason that we would like to use his music is to help break the stereotype that is a associated with rap music, it isn't about sex, drinking and drugs; it is poetry that flows and has a meaning. another reason is that his music inspires, every lyric is purposeful, and just like a poem it has a meaning . 

4 a.m.
he has wrote a song called "4 a.m." this is a slow song, and i interpret it to be about falling in love and the getting separated by distance. however, this is based on the chorus ("you promise me, you wait for me, as i will be saving all the love for you, and i will be home soon") and like poetry there can be hidden meanings and metaphors. although listening to the lyrics you can tell that he is passionately in love with this person, describing everything in great details. then comes the distance "when its four am where i am, its eleven am where you are. i know its too far and too hard, but sweetheart i try to keep a true heart." he begins to have doubts about the strength of their relationship. it ends on a cliff-hanger not letting you know if they meet again, and have a "happily ever after", allowing the audience add their own ending. this will involve the audience and let them sympathise with the artist.
i would like to create a video to this using videos that follow the lyrics for example: when they are laying in bed, have some shots of him kissing her and her eyes opening slowly. then whilst the chorus is playing after the separate have him doing everyday tasks, and then flashing back to him and her doing the same thing: getting a coffee and someone spills it on him, then a flash back to when that happened and she helped clean it up. then there can be him rapping at a location (possibly a balcony) and her living life somewhere else (walking down a high street). this would have slow edits possibly fades, to go with the slow melody.

Pretty Spanish Girl
this song is about holiday romance, with a twist. meeting a girl in a club, dancing and then making out; then she leaves him to go to the bathroom, however he then finds out that she has taken his wallet and left the club. this song is very catchy and has a fast but mellow spanish backing track. if we were to create a music video for this song it would flow with the lyrics, using lots of different camera angles and fast cuts and panning, this would to show the initial passion and nerves that are building up. however, when he finds out about the betrayal the edits slow and lessen; showing how he now realises he intentions.

My Love
my love is a song that initially I thought to be about relationships and break-ups however, at the beginning of the song Mixy says "see if you catch the twist on this, you might need to listen to it again when you are finished" so this makes me think that there is a hidden meaning in the lyrics. he uses many metaphors in the lyrics... TO BE CONTINUED

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