Friday 23 September 2011

Website Analysis

This is what Jason Derulo's webpage looks like once you have entred it. Once again the main viewpoint is a picture of him and his name 'Jason Derulo' in big lettering with a colourful font, this acts as the wall paper for the site. The same theme is followed throughout the site. It is easy to navigate arround and the options you can click on are well labled and easy to see e.g. Home, News, Music, Videos ect. On this page there is the opportunity to sign up to the mailing list, a section for news on his music videos and tours ect. His latest music video is shown on this page along with reference to Jason Derulo's Facebook page, myspace and twitter accounts, this is to encourage fans to follow him and keep up to date with him throughout their lifes. The site would be aimed at young adults becasue that is the age group which most commonly listens to this type of urban music.
 The wesite is designed in order to attract that age group. The funky fonts and colours are used for that reason.

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