Thursday 19 April 2012

Filming Roles

For our video we wanted to have the artist singing the song, with a narrative running through out it, helping to break up the shots. For this we asked the singer to wear his favourite outfit, we also had some friends to act out the narrative. We felt that this gave it a more professional feel, making it appear as if we have hired actors this also allow us to relieve some of the pressure from the artist (as he had a very busy schedule). Below is the list of talent, hands on set and their rolls.
  • Fran - Actress
  • Ralph - Actor
  • Mixy - Artist/Main Talent
  • Liam - Actor/Camera Assistant
  • Connor - Director/Camera Man
  • Cameron - Camera Assistant/General Helper
  • Ralph's Friend - Extra

As for costumes we asked everyone involved with filming to wear "causal" clothes, that wouldn't be too in your face. We also asked Fran and Liam to wear some vibrant colours to help differentiate them (The happy couple) from Ralph (the depressed ex); we feel that this was achieved very well.

The rolls of the Actors and Actress:
  • Liam's roll was the "New Guy" a.k.a. the girl’s new boy friend. We attempted to keep his roll to a minimum so that he doesn't seem to be a key roll to the narrative.
  • Fran's roll was one of the key rolls to the story, as she was the girlfriend linking all of the characters, we have attempted to show this through many shots of her. To make sure she doesn't steal the limelight, we included Ralph in allot of these.
  • Ralph's roll was the most important of all as he was representing Mixy. This is only a representation and he is not suppose to look like Mixy it is almost as if Mixy is singing about Ralph instead of himself. To make sure that this is apparent to the audience we included many shots of Ralph on his own, this accompanied with the Title effect post ( should help the audience identify him as the main character.

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